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Archive for Juli 2015

  •            Berhubung gw lagi mudik, dan tanpa sebab yang jelas koneksi gw disini tambah hancur.
    maka untuk sementara waktu gw gk bisa posting apa2.

    don't blame me, blame telkomsel for this please.

    tapi tenang, ntar kalo koneksi ini udah bener gw bakal posting banyak hal menarik seputar gak jauh jauh dari yang biasanya gw posting. berhubung udah banyak ide numpuk di kepala buat artikel baru.

    No post for a while

  •               Sometimes in life, there are times which we just wanted to run away and leave the boring days we have. But what if the place we run to turns out to be harder than we expected ?
    Hanasaku Iroha overs just. It’s a gem that is waiting for you to discover it because people don’t usually talk about it.

    ~Story 9

                    Our story begin as Matsumae Ohana, a youg girl in 2nd year of highschool. She is forced to leave her school and friends because her mother has to run away with her boyfriend to escape debt. She was sent to her grandmothers inn far in the countryside. As she arrived there, instead of treated as a grand daughter by her grand mothers instead she is forced to do the labor job for the inn just like the employee there.

    It’s a slice of life, so the story is light hearted most of the time. But Hanasaku Iroha manaed to give you just the right amount of drama to keep you invested in the story. You’ll be wanting to se more and more at the end of each episode.

    The most important part for me is how hanasaku Iroha pictures the relation between parents and their child, and how the childs deal with their parents.

    ~Character 10

                    All of Hanasaku irohas main cast are very relatable, they all have they’re ownstory,  motivation and purpose, and The cast is quite unique even though it doesn’t really use new trait of character.

                    Matsumae Ohana, the shows main character is a strongwilled  and independent girl, quite realistic, she is hardworking and very caring, She likes to do stuff by her own and hates to rely on other people. But overtime the story goes and she learns that there is a lot of things that is more fun and  there is some things that is  imposible to be done by herself.
    The other character is just as interesting as Ohana, especially her grandmother and her mother. Both are amazaing woman and make us understand how the adults world really is.

    ~Art and animation 8

                    The artstyle of Hanasaku Iroha isreally beautiful, it fits well with  the atmosphere and really brings the image of country side and the inn itself. The character design is qite boring in my opinion, but it desn’t really bother me that much, since this is slice of life.

                    The animation, is quite well done and looks nice. Though  there is still somepart wich can be done better.

    ~Music 8

                    The music in Hanasaku Iroha is good, but sometimes it doesn’t really stands out. I barely notice it at somepart while at the other parts the music is really well done.
    ~Personal Enjoyment 10

                    This show really manage to capture what slice of life should be, not just the funny days, but also the problem we face everyday, the burden of growing up, the hard days of childs that abandoned by their parents even though it’s not really the case.

    So after long thingking and meditation and complicated calculation. I’ll give this shows 9 as overall score.

    - Bahasa indonesia

    Review, Hanasaku Iroha

                    Terkadang dalam hidup, ada masa dimana kita ingin melarikan diri dan meninggalkan keseharian membosankan kita. Tapi bagaimana jika tempat kita melarikan diri ternyata justru lebih sulit dari yang kita harapkan ?

                    Itulah yang ditawarkan Hanasaku iroha, Hanasaku Iroha adalah berlian yang menunggu untuk ditemukan, karena orang-orang tidak biasanya membicarakannya.

    ~Cerita 9

                    Ceritanya dimulai dari Ohana matsumae, seorang gadis muda di tahun keduanya di sekolah menengah atas. Dia dipaksa meninggalkan sekolah dan temannya karena ibunya harus pindah bersama sang pacar untuk menghindari utang.

                    Dia dikirim ke penginapan milik neneknya di pedesaan. sesampainya disana, bukannya diperlakukan seperti cucu, dia ustru dipaksa untuk bekerja seperti pegawai-pegawai lainnya.

                    Karena ini anime Slice of life, ceritanya biasanya agak ringan dan mudah dicerna. dibumbui dengan komedi yang menyegarkan dan interaksi yang menarik. meski begitu, Hanasaku Iroha masih mampu memberikan Drama yang cukup untuk membuat penonton tetap tertarik dan menantikan apa yang akan terjadi berikutnya.

    ~Karakter 10

                    Hampir semua cast utama hanasaku iroha sangat relatable. kita dapat dengan mudah menghubungkan apa yang mereka lakukan dengan apa yang terjadi di kehidupan sehari-hari kita. dan hampir semua karakter di hanasaku iroha mempunyai motivasi dan tujuan tersendiri. membuat mereka terasa seperti manusai sungguhan yang sedang berjuang dalam kehidupan mereka.

     ~Art dan Animasi 8

                    Artstyle dari Hanasaku iroha sangat indah dan membaur dengan atmosfir yang dihadirkan animenya. Desain karakternya meski tterlihat biasa-biasa saja, namun dapat menggambarkan karakternya dengan baik.

                    Animasi Hanasaku Iroha sangat baik namun tedapat beberapa bagian yang dapat dibuat lebih baik.

    ~Musik 8

                   Musik pada Hanasaku iroha sudah baik, ada saat dimana musiknya benar-benar menonjol dan memperkuat scenenya, namun ada juga saat-saat dimana musiknya tidak terasa sama sekali meskipun sebenarnya ada.

    Review, Hanasaku Iroha

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